Hello massive's.
Today I'm gonna concentrate on a touchy subject. A topic that has puzzled my little brain for quite some time now. Albinism, this is a weird yet strangely cool skin pigment disorder.
Feel free to comment on this post if you have any opinions or some extra info.
Otherwise just shut the fuck up.
I'm sure at one stage in your life you have or will be fortunate enough to lay you eye's on one of these demi-gods.

I mean this is a phenomenon!!! These is what happens when God runs out of paint. Yes! You can strike me down with your lightning bolt now!
The main reason for this blog is to create an awareness amongst us, the one's that have been colored in. Take this in mind next time you say "kiss my white ass".
There are in tier families out there, crazy don't ya think?
Have you ever attended an albino's funeral before? Well I haven't and I'm sure you have not either. Sure you don't even know of someone that has....
Albino's don't die! They disappear into the mountains. Like JIK in water. So massive's, don't use any albino body parts for witch craft, You'll only be cursed!
Today I'm gonna concentrate on a touchy subject. A topic that has puzzled my little brain for quite some time now. Albinism, this is a weird yet strangely cool skin pigment disorder.
Feel free to comment on this post if you have any opinions or some extra info.
Otherwise just shut the fuck up.
I'm sure at one stage in your life you have or will be fortunate enough to lay you eye's on one of these demi-gods.

I mean this is a phenomenon!!! These is what happens when God runs out of paint. Yes! You can strike me down with your lightning bolt now!
The main reason for this blog is to create an awareness amongst us, the one's that have been colored in. Take this in mind next time you say "kiss my white ass".
There are in tier families out there, crazy don't ya think?
Have you ever attended an albino's funeral before? Well I haven't and I'm sure you have not either. Sure you don't even know of someone that has....
Albino's don't die! They disappear into the mountains. Like JIK in water. So massive's, don't use any albino body parts for witch craft, You'll only be cursed!
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